EMP Money: The Detonator, fire when ready!

Patrick Cryptozoa
4 min readApr 28, 2022


I started in the EMP Detonator since 4/19, and today is 4/28 — so 9 days so far.

~ from Pexels

The EMP Detonator accepts EMP-ETH LP, and will return 365% per year. There is a twist in that there is a timer for claiming the maximum APR, which cycles every 24 hours. In the Mountain time zone, that means 6pm for me.

If I miss this window, then my deposit does not benefit from the yield, and returns back to the pool. For some this might cause some stress, but it was their gamification strategy to reward involvement. I set a reminder in my Calendar, and simply claim early if I’m not sure I can make the Compound at that time.


The Detonator looked to me to be a sort of miner — but with some innovations. There are 2 prizes:

  • Biggest Deposit (Daily)
  • Lottery winner (Daily — Tickets based on Deposit amount)

Today’s prize is 379.28 EMP-ETH LP, or ~$37,124.15. How much would you bid to win that? The same amount to double your money? Even if you do not win, you don’t necessarily lose, as the amount just goes back to your deposits to earn your 365%.

Yesterday, the prize was around $34k, and the winning bidder was 463 LP, which would have been around $44,288.17. So, the winner paid more than the prize in order to win it — for an instant 77% gain!

And there where other depositors behind this winning snipe:

  • 45 LP
  • 76 LP
  • 45 LP
  • 177 LP

Can you see how this would incentivize deposits? Chance to nearly double your money if you’re a whale.


The second prize is a Lottery, where you purchase tickets, 50 tickets max per day. Tickets are currently 0.15 LP or about $14.88 each. It would cost about $744 to get 50 tickets per day. This is for a chance to win today’s prize of 463 LP. For someone looking to allocate money into this, doing a daily $744 deposit would maximize your chances for winning via lottery.

This is yet another way to monetize the Detonator. Miners lose once the Contract balance starts to decline, but with this method it contributes and incentivizes deposits on a daily basis. I only started recording the Contract balance on 4/24: 36,444.41. Today, on 4/28: 37,383.34.

Steady daily contract growth incentivized by prizes, as well as simply compounding returns — a win/win.

Actual Results

Actual results separates the promises from what you put in your pocket.

  • Starting Stake (4/19/2022): 45.74/$5,003.04
  • Ending Stake (4/28/2022): 47.33/$4,566.34

I believe that over time the 365% APR will push this into profitability, but the price of EMP-ETH has dropped due to the underlying paired coins:

Just starting to recover. ~Coinmarketcap

EMP is based 4k-1, so this is a pure ETH play. Once the accumulation of tokens occurs due to the daily yield, this should make up for any price losses. And once ETH roars up the yield should be magnified against the increased number of LPs.

EMP Detonator Referral

What is Elephant Money?

Elephant Money is a low risk, high return crypto project with 3 investment options:

  • Stampede Bonds using the Trunk hybrid stablecoin returning 0.56% daily.
  • Elephant token for price appreciation. (1,908% in 1 year)
  • Trunk Staking for a variable percentage (currently 66.170% APR).

If interested, please go to: https://elephant.money/trunk.html. Feel free to use my Elephant Partner ID: 0xA1d91d85667a09e4Aa59D1b3f38106c5E4B8bDBb


What is DRIP?

DRIP is a project that is able to provide passive income through smart contracts in Defi. It was created on the Binance Smart Chain, and the DRIP Token can be bought with BEP20 BNB.

The bedrock of DRIP is the feature of paying 1% on your investment per day. You can either pull that amount out and receive your 1% return of the DRIP token per day, or you can “Hydrate” or recompound your earnings and compound the 1% against the new amount. By Hydrating you start to see the 3678% APYs by the end of the year (fees excluded for simplicity).

Come to Cryptozoa.com, check out the DRIP passive investment, and join the Cryptozoa Team!

How to start:

  • Go to https://drip.community/fountain, and exchange BNB for DRIP.
  • Go to the Faucet, and enter a Buddy address in the Referral section. Consider adding the Cryptozoa team member Debby’s address for your Buddy: 0x61cd5e1ac65a1d30d36003a0219f81872df5e39d
  • Deposit at least 1.12 DRIP (Ensure you have 0.05–0.1 BNB for transaction fees.)

You’re setup on DRIP. Get ready to receive 1% daily! But, do come back regularly to hit that hydrate/recompound button!

Cryptozoa Telegramhttps://t.me/joinchat/PbTulqLoCmAzZmQx

NOTE: The amount Deposited is not withdrawable. In exchange you receive 1% of that staked amount on a 24 hr basis for the next 365 days, which can be rehydrated/compounded, or claimed.

The Animal Farmhttps://theanimal.farm


Nothing in this article is intended to constitute investment advice. Neither the author nor the publication takes any responsibility or liability for any investments, profits or losses you may incur as a result of this information. Readers are encouraged to perform their own due diligence and research, or consult a licensed financial advisor or broker before making any and all investment decisions. This content is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. Though the author strives for accuracy, the data contained within the article cannot be relied upon. The author may own cryptocurrencies and tokens discussed in the article. The article may contain affiliate links.



Patrick Cryptozoa
Patrick Cryptozoa

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