Why I Created a New DRIP Wallet

Patrick Cryptozoa

It’s because in the Risk vs Reward equation, the potential Reward is so very sweet!

~from Pexels

In my DRIP 1 wallet, since I started it with $10k on July 1st, 2021, even with the downturn of the Market dragging DRIP down along with it, my DRIP deposits are at 11,322 DRIP. Multiplied against even the historically low price of $4.79 my stake is currently at $54,201.73 USDT. Pre-taxes I am still throwing off $542 USDT per day, or the equivalent of a $197,833.65 salary.

On July 1st, 2021, the price of DRIP was $5.48. At the time, I was wishing I had got in at the presale the end of April, 2021, which I heard was around the $2.00 range. Man-o-live, I thought, I could have more than doubled already!

Well, here we are again.

I created a new wallet, despite the naysayers, despite the FUDders saying DRIP will crater to zero, leaving us all in the lurch. I stacked 600 DRIP into it, and will likely stuff it all the way to 1,000 DRIP.


Aren’t you afraid you won’t get your investment stake back?

No. Because I believe these are Garage Sale prices. July 4th, Black Friday, and Fire Sale prices. Prices we thought we’d never see again!

While everyone else is selling, wringing their hands, and supplicating to their gods — I am scooping DRIP up with both hands!

Aren’t you afraid that you might lose it all?

No, I’m not worried.

  • Every big whale selloff provides 10% proportional taxes in DRIP, up to 50% to the system, and over time fewer whales that can sell.
  • Forex has a list of Use Cases lined up for their big reveal that will drive the price skywards
  • 122k Players is nothing in the realm of crypto — we haven’t seen nuthin’ yet!
  • I trust in Forex Shark, in his genius, in his drive, in his potent combination of trader, and dev, and leader.

Just the Animal Farm coming back online could by itself make the first pump. The first failed DRIP Bees farm alone reduced the liquidity, driving the price from $6 to $60 in less than a month flat.

And now we have the Strategy game, Casino, Focus Visual, etcetera ad infinitum.

Conviction comes from knowledge, and knowledge comes from history, and the history of DRIP tells me that we are at historical lows. All the folks who used to say the price was too high at $160 per DRIP? Well, the price is now under $5 your wish has been granted.

Through a combination of the entire financial market falling, Corona virus, Ukraine war and Inflation; combined with a botting attack that led to the pausing of the Animal Farm and Piggybank, this is the result of all those factors and more.

And now the Animal Farm is returning. And then the use cases will start piling up, the AMA’s are now being scheduled, and the PR and Marketing machine is revving its engines.

The question remains: Would you have liked to have invested a year ago at $5.48? Well, here we are again. And I have a shiny new wallet to take advantage of it — all over again…;)

What is DRIP?

DRIP is a project that is able to provide passive income through smart contracts in Defi. It was created on the Binance Smart Chain, and the DRIP Token can be bought with BEP20 BNB.

The bedrock of DRIP is the feature of paying 1% on your investment per day. You can either pull that amount out, and receive your 1% return of the DRIP token per day, or you can “Hydrate” or recompound your earnings and compound the 1% against the new amount. By Hydrating you start to see the 3678% APYs by the end of the year (fees excluded for simplicity).

Come to Cryptozoa.com, check out the DRIP passive investment, and join the Cryptozoa Team!

How to start in DRIP:

  • Go to https://drip.community/fountain, and exchange BNB for DRIP.
  • Go to the Faucet, and enter a Buddy address in the Referral section. Consider adding the Cryptozoa team member Boa’s address for your Buddy: 0x14012562bd628c2A7Ec223Cb6836233a76479940
  • Deposit at least 1.12 DRIP (Ensure you have 0.05–0.1 BNB for transaction fees.)

You’re setup on DRIP. Get ready to receive 1% daily! But, do come back regularly to hit that hydrate/recompound button!

Cryptozoa Telegram Gatewayhttps://t.me/joinchat/PbTulqLoCmAzZmQx

NOTE: The amount Deposited is not withdrawable. In exchange you receive 1% of that staked amount on a 24 hr basis for the next 365 days, which can be rehydrated/compounded, or claimed.

How to get into Furio

Here’s my referral link:

  1. Swap USDC (BEP20) for $FUR here: https://app.furio.io/.
  2. Make sure to add a referral ID and click the “Deposit directly to the Vault” checkbox. Feel free to use my Referral ID: 0xA1d91d85667a09e4Aa59D1b3f38106c5E4B8bDBb
  3. Return once a day to Compound or Claim. Autocompounding is in Beta, but will soon be implemented.
  4. Welcome to the Cryptozoa FAST Team!

What is Elephant Money?

Elephant Money is a low risk, high return crypto project with 3 investment options:

  • Stampede Bonds using the Trunk hybrid stablecoin returning 0.56% daily.
  • Elephant token for price appreciation. (1,908% in 1 year)
  • Trunk Staking for a variable percentage (currently 66.170% APR).

If interested, please go to: https://elephant.money/trunk.html. Feel free to use my Elephant Partner ID: 0xA1d91d85667a09e4Aa59D1b3f38106c5E4B8bDBb

Nothing in this article is intended to constitute investment advice. Neither the author nor the publication takes any responsibility or liability for any investments, profits or losses you may incur as a result of this information. Readers are encouraged to perform their own due diligence and research, or consult a licensed financial advisor or broker before making any and all investment decisions. This content is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. Though the author strives for accuracy, the data contained within the article cannot be relied upon. The author may own cryptocurrencies and tokens discussed in the article. The article may contain affiliate links.

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